Fireweed (Epilobium Angustifolium)


Embrace the vibrant beauty of Alaska with our Open-Pollinated Fireweed Seeds. These seeds yield the iconic Fireweed, known for its stunning pink blooms and resilience. Naturally pollinated for stronger and healthier plants, these seeds offer a touch of wild Alaskan elegance to your garden, providing a rewarding and eco-friendly gardening experience

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Fireweed – Alaska’s Iconic Wildflower

Witness the splendor of Alaska’s landscapes right in your garden with Fireweed seeds. As one of the most recognized wildflowers in the state, its vibrant blooms encapsulate the spirit of the north.

With its tall stalks and magenta flowers, is not only visually striking but also holds cultural significance in Alaska. As the first to reclaim landscapes after wildfires, it stands as a symbol of regrowth and resilience.

Perfect for borders, wildflower gardens, or simply as a standalone spectacle, Fireweed is easy to grow and maintain. It’s also favored by pollinators, ensuring your garden remains a buzzing paradise.

Planting Guide: Given Alaska’s unique climate, it’s advisable to start Fireweed seeds indoors during late winter. As the warmer months approach, you can move these hardy plants outside, choosing a location that receives ample sunlight.

Attracts Pollinators

Zone 2-7 Perennial. Spreads via rhizomes and seed

Do not cover seeds, but rather press into soil and moisten

Seeds are tiny-Roughly 100 seeds per packet

Garden tips and stories:

Fireweed, known scientifically as Chamerion angustifolium, is more than just a pretty face in the Alaskan wilderness. Its resplendent magenta spires not only grace the landscapes but also tell a tale of ecological importance and versatility. Thriving in zones 2-7, Fireweed is a resilient perennial that adapts well to a range of environments, from roadsides to riverbanks, embodying the untamed beauty of the region.

This plant’s ecological role extends beyond its visual appeal. Fireweed is a pioneer species, often the first to colonize areas disturbed by fire or deforestation, paving the way for other species to follow. Its ability to improve soil fertility and stabilize erosion-prone areas makes it invaluable in land restoration projects.

In addition to its environmental benefits, Fireweed has a place in the local culture and cuisine. Its young shoots and leaves are edible, often used in salads and teas, while its flowers can be turned into a delicately flavored syrup or jelly. This multifaceted plant not only beautifies the landscape but also offers sustenance and healing, as its leaves have been traditionally used for their medicinal properties.

For the gardening enthusiast, Fireweed presents a unique opportunity. Its undemanding nature and minimal maintenance requirements make it an excellent choice for those looking to add a touch of Alaska’s wild beauty to their own spaces. With its seeds easily pressed into soil without covering, Fireweed promises a low-effort, high-reward addition to any garden. Its ability to spread via rhizomes and seeds means it can quickly become a prominent feature, creating a vibrant, pollinator-friendly haven that mirrors the rugged charm of Alaska’s great outdoors.

Alaska Fireweed Seed


Additional information

Weight.1 oz


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