Beet Seed Blend (Beta vulgaris ssp. Cicla)


Unearth a Kaleidoscope of Flavor with Our Rainbow Beet Seed Blend! Cultivate a vibrant, edible rainbow in your garden with our non-GMO, high-quality Rainbow Beet Seed Blend. This blend combines the earthy richness of Red Beets, the sweet butteriness of Gold Beets, the eye-catching allure of Striped Beets, and the unique taste of Albino Beets. Perfect for culinary explorations and garden aesthetics alike, this blend promises to dazzle your senses.

Garden’s Treasure Trove Features:

  • Spectrum of Flavor: Grow a diversified crop with distinct flavors ranging from earthy to sweet, and textures from tender to robust.
  • Non-GMO & Superior Quality: Our seeds are non-GMO and selected for their high germination rates and vitality, ensuring a thriving and colorful garden.
  • Nutrient-Dense: Beets are a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them a nutritious addition to any meal.
  • Visually Stunning: The varied colors and patterns of this beet blend make for an eye-catching and vibrant garden display.
  • Culinary Versatility: Perfect for roasting, pickling, salads, or even as a natural food coloring in your culinary creations.

Perfect for Foodies & Garden Enthusiasts: Our Rainbow Beet Seed Blend is the top pick for foodies looking to experiment with different beet flavors and textures, and for garden enthusiasts seeking to add visual vibrancy to their garden.

Cultivate a Rainbow Harvest: Plant these beet seeds in well-draining soil with full sun to partial shade, and water moderately. Harvest young for tender beets or let them mature for a more robust flavor.

Garden tips and stories:

Open Pollinated: 30 Days for leaf / 60 days for beets

Amaranthaceae- Biennial Seed Saving -Root to Seed (will cross pollinate with chard)

A beautiful blend of red, gold, striped and albino beets

Sow as soon as the soil can worked sow seed 1/2″ deep and space plants 4″-6″ apart

Tops are wonderful raw or cooked in a stir fry

Minimum .5 gram per packet (25-50 seeds)

11 in stock

Earn 31 points worth $0.31


Beet Seed Blend:

Cultivate a vibrant, edible rainbow in your garden with our non-GMO, high-quality Beet Seeds. This blend combines the sweet butteriness of Gold Beets and the eye-catching allure of Striped Beets. Perfect for culinary explorations and garden aesthetics alike, this blend promises to dazzle your senses.

  • Spectrum of Flavor: Grow a diversified crop with distinct flavors ranging from earthy to sweet, and textures from tender to robust.
  • Non-GMO & Superior Quality: Our seeds are non-GMO and selected for their high germination rates and vitality, ensuring a thriving and colorful garden.
  • Nutrient-Dense: Beets are a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them a nutritious addition to any meal.
  • Visually Stunning: The varied colors and patterns of this beet blend make for an eye-catching and vibrant garden display.
  • Culinary Versatility: Perfect for roasting, pickling, salads, or even as a natural food coloring in your culinary creations.

Beet Seed Blend

Garden tips and stories:

Open Pollinated: 30 Days for leaf / 60 days for beets

A beautiful blend of gold and striped beets

Sow as soon as the soil can worked sow seed 1/2″ deep and space plants 4″-6″ apart

Tops are wonderful raw or cooked in a stir fry

Minimum .5 gram per packet (25-50 seeds)

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Starting Seeds Indoors

  1. Choose the Right Containers: Opt for containers that are at least 3-4 inches deep to accommodate the growth of beet roots. Seed trays or individual pots work well.
  2. Use Suitable Soil Mix: Fill your containers with a light, well-draining potting mix to promote healthy root development and prevent water retention, which can lead to seed rot.
  3. Planting Depth: Plant beet seeds ½ inch deep, spacing them about 1 inch apart in each container. Cover lightly with soil.
  4. Water Requirements: Keep the soil moist but not soggy. A gentle watering approach, such as misting with a spray bottle, is ideal to prevent dislodging the seeds.
  5. Lighting: Beets require plenty of light to grow properly. Place them in a sunny window or under grow lights for at least 6-8 hours per day.
  6. Temperature: Maintain an indoor temperature of about 60-70°F (15-21°C) for optimal germination. Beets can germinate in cooler temperatures, but the process may be slower.
  7. Transplanting: Beets are generally better sown directly into the garden as they do not always transplant well. However, if started indoors, transplant them carefully to avoid disturbing the roots once seedlings have several true leaves.

Beet Seed Blend Planting Beets

  1. Timing: Direct sowing of beet seeds outdoors is recommended as soon as the soil can be worked in the spring. For a continued harvest, plant new seeds every 2-3 weeks until midsummer.
  2. Soil Preparation: Beets thrive in well-drained, fertile soil with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0. Work in compost or a balanced fertilizer before planting to enrich the soil.
  3. Sowing Seeds: Plant seeds ½ inch deep and 1-2 inches apart in rows. Space the rows about 12-18 inches apart. Beets can be crowded so thinning is often necessary.
  4. Watering: Provide consistent moisture, especially during root development. A mulch layer can help retain soil moisture and suppress weeds.
  5. Thinning: Once seedlings are 2-3 inches tall, thin them so they stand about 3-4 inches apart. Thinned seedlings can be eaten as greens.
  6. Care: Keep the area weed-free and provide additional nutrients if the leaves start to yellow.
  7. Harvesting: Beets can be harvested when they are about the size of a golf ball, although they can grow larger without losing flavor. The entire plant is edible, including the leaves.
  8. Pests and Diseases: Watch for leaf miners and flea beetiles. Applying row covers can protect the plants from pests without chemical treatments.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively start beets indoors if needed and grow them successfully in your garden. Enjoy the rich, earthy flavor of fresh beets from your own backyard!

Additional information

Weight.01 oz
Dimensions5 × 3 × 1 in


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