Crimson Feather Poppy Seed (Papaver somniferum)


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Crimson Feather Poppy Seed: A Mesmerizing Dance of Color in Your Garden

Crimson Feather Poppy Seed

Step into a world of vibrant hues and delicate textures with our latest addition, the Crimson Feather Poppy seed. This seed, grown in the pristine landscapes of Alaska, brings forth a flower that’s as captivating as a dancer’s crimson dress, swaying gracefully in the breeze.

Garden’s Crimson Elegance Features:
  • Stunning & Unique Appearance: The Crimson Feather Poppy stands out with its delicate feather-like petals, offering a unique visual treat that’s reminiscent of a passionate flamenco dance.
  • Grown in Alaska: Cultivated in the untouched beauty of Alaska, these seeds benefit from the region’s pure environment, ensuring a robust and vibrant bloom.
  • Easy to Grow & Care For: This poppy variety is hardy and adaptable, making it a joy for both novice and experienced gardeners.
  • Ecological Benefits: Poppies are known to attract pollinators, enhancing the biodiversity of your garden.
  • Therapeutic & Aesthetic Value: The deep crimson hue and unique petal structure of this poppy can be a focal point in any garden, offering visual delight and a sense of tranquility.

Ideal for Gardeners Seeking a Touch of Drama & Elegance: Whether you’re a gardening aficionado or someone looking to add a touch of drama to your outdoor space, the Crimson Feather Poppy seed is your ticket to a garden that’s both vibrant and sophisticated.

Grow Your Own Crimson Masterpiece: Plant these seeds in well-draining soil and ensure they receive ample sunlight. Water as needed, and soon, you’ll witness the emergence of a flower that’s nothing short of breathtaking.

Garden tips and stories:

The Crimson Feather Poppy: A symbol of passion, resilience, and beauty. It’s not just a flower; it’s an experience waiting to unfold in your garden.

This seed packet includes:

  • Crimson Feather Poppy
  • Roughly 100 seeds per packet

Starting Seeds Indoors

  1. Choose the Right Containers: You can start seeds in almost any type of container as long as it’s at least 2-3 inches deep and has drainage holes. Common choices include peat pots, seed-starting trays, or even recycled containers like yogurt cups.
  2. Use Seed-Starting Mix: Fill your containers with a seed-starting mix, which is lighter and more sterile than regular garden soil. This helps ensure good moisture retention and reduces the risk of disease.
  3. Plant Seeds at the Right Depth: As a general rule, plant seeds at a depth of about two times their width. Check the seed packet for specific instructions.
  4. Water Wisely: Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. A spray bottle can be a gentle way to water without displacing the seeds.
  5. Provide Plenty of Light: Seeds need a lot of light to grow into strong plants. A sunny south-facing window or grow lights placed a few inches above the plants will work best.
  6. Maintain Temperature: Most seeds germinate best at temperatures of 65-75°F (18-24°C). Some may need warmer conditions, which can be achieved with a heat mat under the seed trays.
  7. Transplanting: Once your seedlings have their second set of true leaves, they can be transplanted to larger pots or moved outside if the weather permits.

Planting Crimson Feather Poppy

  1. Timing: Crimson feather poppy seeds can be sown directly outdoors in the fall or early spring. If starting indoors, begin 6-8 weeks before the last expected frost.
  2. Site Selection: Choose a location that receives full sun as poppies thrive in bright light.
  3. Soil Requirements: These poppies prefer well-draining soil. If your soil is heavy or clay-rich, consider amending it with sand or compost to improve drainage.
  4. Sowing: Scatter the seeds on the surface of the soil. Do not cover them with soil as they need light to germinate. Gently press the seeds into the soil to ensure contact.
  5. Watering: Water gently and keep the soil lightly moist until germination, which usually occurs within 2-3 weeks.
  6. Care: Once established, crimson feather poppies require minimal care. They are somewhat drought tolerant and do not need frequent watering. Deadhead spent flowers to encourage more blooms or allow some flowers to go to seed to promote self-sowing.
  7. Pests and Problems: Watch out for pests like aphids and diseases such as powdery mildew, especially in humid conditions. Regular monitoring and prompt removal of affected parts can help control these issues.

By following these guidelines, you can successfully start seeds indoors and grow vibrant crimson feather poppies in your garden.


Additional information

Weight.01 oz
Dimensions5 × 3 × 1 in


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