Salmon Poppy Seed (Papaver paeoniflorum)


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Salmon Poppy Seed Dive into a Sea of Blooms

Salmon Poppy Seed

  • Elegant Salmon Blooms: produce exquisite coral-colored flowers that bring a soothing, oceanic ambiance to your garden.
  • Prolific & Long-Lasting: Experience a generous wave of blooms that not only appear in abundance but also last through the season.
  • Easy to Grow: With minimal care, these poppies will flourish, making them perfect for both novice and experienced gardeners.
  • Attracts Pollinators: Welcome butterflies and bees to your garden, as these poppies are known to attract beneficial pollinators.

Perfect for Coastal-Themed Gardens & More: Whether you’re creating a coastal-themed garden or looking for a unique addition to your flower beds, Salmon Poppy Seeds are an exceptional choice. Their gentle hues and graceful movement add a touch of tranquility to any space.

Low Maintenance with a High Reward: Plant the Salmon Poppy Seeds in well-draining soil, provide them with full sun, and they will reward you with a bountiful display of mesmerizing blooms.

Stunning salmon colored peony type blooms

Start indoors 8-10 weeks prior to your last frost date.

Staking will be required as plants grow 3′-4′ tall and will lean easily due to blossom weight

For cut flowers- harvest once the bud cracks and shows a hint of color

Surface sow and barely cover as light is appreciated for germination

Roughly 50-100 seeds per packet

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Starting Seeds Indoors

  1. Choose Appropriate Containers: Select containers that are 2-3 inches deep with drainage holes, such as seed trays, small pots, or repurposed items from your home.
  2. Select Seed-Starting Mix: Fill your containers with a seed-starting mix, designed to be light and sterile to support healthy seed development and minimize disease risks.
  3. Seed Depth: Plant seeds at a depth about twice the size of the seed itself. Check the seed packet for any specific depth recommendations.
  4. Moisture Management: Keep the soil consistently moist by using a spray bottle to mist water gently, ensuring the soil is damp but not soggy.
  5. Light Requirements: Seedlings require ample light. Position them in a sunny window or under grow lights, keeping the light source about 2-3 inches above the plants and adjusting as they grow.
  6. Temperature Control: Most seeds germinate best in warm conditions, around 65-75°F (18-24°C). Consider using a heat mat if your environment is cooler.
  7. Transplanting Seedlings: When the seedlings develop their second set of true leaves, they are ready to be transplanted to bigger pots or moved outdoors if the weather and soil conditions are right.

Planting Salmon Poppy

  1. Optimal Timing: Directly sow Salmon Poppy seeds outdoors after the last frost, or start them indoors 6-8 weeks before the expected last frost date.
  2. Site and Soil: Choose a location that receives full sunlight. Salmon Poppies perform best in well-draining soil. Amend compact or clay-rich soils with compost or coarse sand to enhance drainage.
  3. Sowing Method: Scatter the seeds on the surface of the soil as they need light to germinate. Press them lightly into the soil without covering them with additional soil.
  4. Watering: Water lightly and regularly to keep the soil moist until germination, which typically occurs within 2-3 weeks.
  5. Care and Maintenance: Once established, Salmon Poppies are relatively low maintenance. They tolerate drought well and usually require minimal watering unless conditions are very dry.
  6. Flowering and Aftercare: Deadhead the flowers to encourage further blooming or leave some heads to mature and disperse seeds if you prefer natural self-sowing.
  7. Pest and Disease Watch: Regularly check for signs of pests or disease. Good air circulation and avoiding overcrowding can help minimize these risks.

By following these basic steps, you can successfully start seeds indoors and cultivate beautiful Salmon Poppies in your garden, adding a touch of vibrant color and delicacy to your outdoor space.

Additional information

Weight.1 oz
Dimensions5 × 3 × 1 in


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