Yarrow Seed Blend (Achillea millefolium, Achillea filipendulina)


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Yarrow Seed Blend

Yarrow Seed Blend Elevate your garden’s charm and functionality with our non-GMO, high-quality Yarrow Seeds. These seeds germinate into elegant yarrow plants with feathery leaves and clusters of tiny, delicate flowers, available in a range of colors. Yarrow is not only a visually stunning addition to your garden but also a renowned medicinal herb with a plethora of benefits.

  • Elegant & Hardy: Grow yarrow for its intricate, fern-like foliage and delicate flower clusters that are both aesthetically pleasing and resilient.
  • Non-GMO & High Quality: Our seeds are non-GMO and meticulously selected for their quality, ensuring a garden that is as healthy as it is beautiful.
  • Medicinal Marvel: Yarrow has been valued for centuries for its medicinal properties, including aiding in wound healing and digestion.
  • Attracts Pollinators: Yarrow is a magnet for beneficial pollinators, enhancing the biodiversity and productivity of your garden.
  • Drought Tolerant: Yarrow is exceptionally drought-tolerant, making it a perfect addition to xeriscapes and low-water gardens.

Perfect for Herbal Enthusiasts & Eco-Conscious Gardeners: Our Yarrow Seeds are the ideal choice for herbal enthusiasts looking to grow medicinal plants and for eco-conscious gardeners seeking to cultivate drought-tolerant, pollinator-friendly plants.

Create a Garden Oasis: Plant these yarrow seeds in well-draining soil, provide them with full sun to partial shade, and water moderately. Harvest yarrow for its medicinal uses or simply enjoy its beauty in your garden.

A curated blend of colors including the Achillea millefolium var. borealis (white)  native to

The Colorado Mix is also part of our blend and provides dark pinks, blushes and near purple hues.

Golden Yarrow finishes the mix with warm tones to even out the perfect summer bouquet

Open Pollinated: 100 Days

Perennial zones 3-9

Sow 1/8″

Space plants 18″- 24″ apart

Press seed into the soil and barely cover as light is required for germination

Attracts pollinators and beneficial insects

Seeds are tiny! Roughly 100 per packet

Follow our blog: https://seedsandsoilorganics.com/category/alaska-seed-company/

Additional information

Weight.1 oz
Dimensions5 × 3 × 1 in


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