Carrot Seed Blend(Daucus carota subsp. sativus)


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Carrot Seed Blend

Carrot Seed Blend marries sweet bite-sizes with a burst of sunny color.

Variety is the zest of life, and our blend embodies this:

  1. Little Fingers: Snack-worthy and swift to mature, these mini carrots are crisp, sweet, and perfect for a quick garden treat.
  2. Yellowstone: Stand out with its golden hue, a delightful addition that promises both looks and taste.

Alaska’s unique terrain? These varieties are up for the challenge, ensuring a bountiful and vibrant harvest.

Planting Guide: Alaskans, kick off your planting in late spring. Opt for a spot with deep, aerated soil. Bless them with sunlight and keep the soil evenly moist. Delight in watching the mix of petite orange and bright yellow carrots pop up.

A sunset colored blend of Little Fingers and Yellowstone carrot

Open Pollinated: 75-85 Days

6″-8″ roots

Sow as soon as the soil can worked

Sow seed 1/2″ deep and space plants 1″-4″ apart

Interplant with onions, leeks and aromatic herbs

Seed germination is dependent on even/uniform moisture

Keep seed bed moist- not dripping wet until emergence is visible

Roughly 300 seeds per packet

Garden tips and stories:

The ‘Little Fingers’ carrot is an early maturing variety that produces small, cylindrical carrots, ideal for those with limited garden space or who enjoy young, tender carrots. Their size makes them perfect for a quick, healthy snack, and they are especially appealing to children. On the other hand, the ‘Yellowstone’ carrot offers a longer, tapered root with a smooth, bright yellow exterior. Its unique color is not just for show; it’s packed with nutrients and provides a visually stunning contrast in salads and cooked dishes.

Sowing Seeds Outdoors

  1. Prepare the Soil: Start by removing any weeds, stones, and debris from the planting area. Carrots prefer a smooth, well-drained bed for optimal root development.
  2. Sowing Depth and Spacing: Plant seeds shallowly, about ¼ inch deep. Space them 1 to 2 inches apart in rows that are 12 to 18 inches apart.
  3. Watering: After planting, water the area gently but thoroughly to settle the seeds. Keep the soil consistently moist to ensure proper germination, which can take 1-3 weeks.
  4. Thinning Seedlings: Once seedlings are an inch tall, thin them so they stand 2-3 inches apart. Thinning is crucial for carrots as it prevents crowding, allowing the roots to grow properly.

Planting Carrots

  1. Timing: Carrots are typically planted in the early spring or late summer/early fall. They need cooler temperatures to develop their best flavor and texture.
  2. Site Selection: Choose a spot in your garden that receives full sun, although they can tolerate partial shade. Consistent, direct sunlight is ideal for optimal growth.
  3. Soil Conditions: Carrots grow best in deep, loose, and rocky-free soil to allow unimpeded root growth. If the top layer of your soil is heavy or clayey, consider using raised beds or mixing in organic matter to improve its texture and nutrient content.
  4. Planting: Scatter the tiny seeds directly onto the soil surface. Since carrot seeds are very small, you might mix them with sand to facilitate even distribution. Gently press the seeds into the soil without covering them heavily.
  5. Watering Regimen: It’s essential to keep the soil moist, especially during the germination period. Use a fine spray to water the seeds to prevent washing them away or creating crusts that can hinder sprout emergence.
  6. Care and Maintenance: Keep the area free of weeds, which can compete with the slow-growing carrot seedlings. Be gentle when weeding to avoid disturbing the young carrot roots.
  7. Fertilizing: Carrots generally do not require much fertilizer if the soil is well-prepared. If needed, apply a low-nitrogen, higher-potassium and phosphorus fertilizer at planting time to promote good root development.
  8. Harvesting: Carrots can be harvested at any size but are typically best when they are about ½ inch in diameter or larger. The length of time to harvest can vary from 50 to 75 days depending on the variety.

By following these simple steps for sowing seeds outdoors and providing specific care for carrots, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of crisp, sweet carrots right from your garden.


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